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How to Prepare Your Home in the Winter

While winter is almost here, it is still best to make sure that you have done these steps in order to make sure that your home is cold-proof, insulate your home during the winter season and get your home damage-free when spring time comes. Here are simple yet easy home improvements that you can do on how to prepare your home in the winter.

Clean out chimney

Conventional chimneys never fail in providing warmth into your home. So just before the winter comes, make sure that you have a professional chimney sweeper cleans it out as there will be buildup and other blockages that can lead to fires.

Warm your water heater

This is perhaps not just winter-proofing your home tip but can also help you save energy and pay less on utility bill. Wrap your water heater using an insulation blanket large enough to cover it to ensure that the heat does not escape into its cold environment. This can help save up to 9 percent in water heating costs.

Seal cracks and crevices

Cracks and crevices allows heat to escape your home, you can do an easy DIY by using expandable foams to seal the gaps regardless of its shape, etc.

Install a smart thermostat

If you have the budget, installing a smart thermostat can be a good decision because it can detect if someone is home and it will automatically adjust its temperature. If you are home, it increases the warmth and comfort and lowers the temperature when you leave.

Install weather stripping

Seal gaps along doors and windows by installing weather stripping as well as installing door sweeps to prevent chills from coming through small spaces underneath the door.

Frozen pipes

Frozen pipes can lead to damaged pipes so in order to resolve this issue is to install foam-rubber insulation to prevent pipes from reaching subzero temperatures.

Use ceiling fans

This is something that most people are not aware of, but using ceiling fans the right way can also help with adding warmth into your home. During summer, fans should be set to rotate counter clockwise to invite cool breeze inside. On the other hand, during winter you can reverse the rotation of the blades to spin clockwise so that it will ventilate warm air back down.

Trim back trees

While tall standing trees are postcard-worthy and would provide that winter season effect into your environment, large branches can collect snow and ice during winter. This could cause disaster if the branch has been overloaded with too much weight. You can prevent this by trimming branches back just before the winter starts to avoid this danger.

Replace furnace filters

Make sure that your furnace is in top shape to ensure that you are warm during cold months. You can do so by changing your furnace filters often. This is because dirt restricts airflow and increases the demand for energy. This will also allow you to save and cut costs on energy. Change fiberglass or paper furnace filters once a month or every two months, while electrostatic or HEPA filters can be changed every two to four months. Proper functioning of your heating system and furnace is essential so that you will stay warm and comfortable in your home.

Now there we have it, here are just some of great tips that you can do to improve and ensure that your home is comfortable during the season. If you are still looking for a home or property to buy, it is never too late to check if the heating system is working properly just in time for you to get ready for the next year.


Yvette Belisle, Associate Broker
Real Estate Brokers of Alaska
Licensed In: Alaska
License #: 17864
Yvette Belisle | (907) 868-2811
Real Estate Brokers of Alaska | 1577 C Street, Ste 101 | Anchorage, AK 99501
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