You've probably heard lots of people scurrying to find solar eclipse glasses.
There's going to be quite a few people who simply can't get a pair in time for the eclipse.
People waited too long to get them. Perhaps because they weren't entirely in tune with how rare, and how big of an event the eclipse is.
But also because they underestimated the supply, availability, and accessibility of the glasses compared to the demand for them.
Who'd have thought they'd be about as rare as the eclipse itself?
Don't wait 'til it's too late
This is similar to something seen in real estate...
When people hear there's a great house on the market, they often wait to go see it or make an offer...until it's too late to do anything about it.
By the time they motivate, the house has been scooped up by another buyer, and often there were even more buyers who were trying to buy it, but lost out.
Houses aren't "a dime a dozen"
The solar eclipse glasses were practically "a dime a dozen". They were all basically the same, inexpensive, and plenty to go around...yet still not enough for everyone who wanted a pair.
Houses, on the other hand, are often one-of-a-kind...
...which makes it all the more likely that if you hesitate even the slightest bit, you're going to miss your opportunity.
But there's always another...
Lots of people won't be able to look directly at the eclipse, since they don't have the glasses. They're going to miss the rare opportunity. There will be disappointment.
But even though they're rare, another one will occur fairly soon in the U.S in about 7 years. Or, you can see one in a mere 2 years in other parts of the world.
They're still rare, no matter how you cut it. But you can see an eclipse at other times
if you're willing to travel.
Same thing goes for houses...
If you lose out on a house because you hesitated, it's disappointing, but it's not the only opportunity you'll have.
In fact, you could probably find a similar house to the one you like pretty soon after losing the one you had your eye on...
if you're willing to travel.
But most people want to find the house of their dreams where they live, not somewhere else.
So don't miss your opportunity when you see the perfect house, in the perfect location. Jump on it. Otherwise, you may be waiting a while for the next one to appear.
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