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What to Know Before You Buy

What to Know Before You Buy

Don't fall for pressure-selling techniques and high-pressure seminars

Some sales people can be extremely persuasive and persistent. They often use gimmicks like offering you a "once in a lifetime opportunity".

Determine your overall financial plans

Think about what you want to achieve financially and how soon you want to achieve it.

Understand the risks involved

All investments carry risks. Make sure you are comfortable with the risks associated with a particular investment.

Get advice

Decide whether or not you need professional advice. If you're dealing with a financial advisor make sure they're licensed.

Investing directly or indirectly

You can invest directly or indirectly in many assets, including real estate, through a managed fund. Time- shares are a type of managed investment.

Do your homework

Find out as much as possible about any investment you are making. Make sure you really understand the pros and cons of choosing a particular investment asset. Weigh the advantages and disadvan- tages against your financial goals.

Consult with your accountant

There may be tax issues to consider that you may not be aware of. Once you've decided to take the leap and purchase investment property, be sure to read and keep all documents you receive about your investment. If your asset is being managed by someone else, make sure they keep you updated on all pertinent information. Reputable investment managers will be happy to answer your questions and will expect you to take an interest in your investments.
