Home Improvements That Sell
Given today's home buyers are aware of soft market conditions that can put a drag on values, they want a home that's ready to appreciate and that's a home in the best shape possible.
Nearly 90 percent of real estate agents believe home improvements can help a home sell faster, and nearly 73 percent say home work can boost the price, provided the home improvements are the right home improvements.
Nearly three in four real estate agents say sellers too often underestimate the power of simple home improvements - repairs, painting and cosmetic upgrades.
Like upgrades from home to home help pull up values overall.
Recommended home improvements The most common home improvements recommended by real estate agents included: The vast majority, 96.5 percent, of real estate professionals surveyed recommend sellers repair household items that are broken before putting a home on the market.
What sellers improve Are sellers complying with real estate agents' recommended home improvements? Again, for the most part, yes.
The most common improvements made by home sellers: A majority, 75.21 percent, of sellers planning renovations will repair broken household items before selling their home.
53.37 percent, of sellers plan bathroom improvements before selling their home.
Home improvement budgets were $2,001 to $5,000 for 24.1 percent of home sellers planning improvements; $5,001 to $10,000 for 22.23 percent and $10,001 to $20,000 for 16.63 percent.
Source: Realtytimes.com
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